The New Year….a lil too late

Sooo i am now posting on the 1st of February as my first post of the year. I have been so slack but during this holiday season and retail it tends to be pretty full on so cut me some slack. One of my new years resolutions was for me to keep a reading journal for all my reading progress. I am super excited to start doing this, having a place where I can keep all my bookish things together. These heading are books I have read, TBR (to be reads), favourite quotes, reviews, reading challenges and readathons and book purchases each month. This is my idea so far but this may change when i step it all up.

I have started reading the Illuminae Files from Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff which I have now finished and how half way through Gemina which is the second book in the trilogy. The format of the book is so different from any other book I have read. These formats include interviews, IMS, security camera, web chats, intercom, voices from particular people, maps. The way it is set out is really nice and sucks you in from the start. Without having chapter endings it is so hard to put down.

Illuminae is about a girl called Kady who breaks up with her boyfriend, Ezra at the worst time possible, when the planet is invaded. They are both having to fight their way onto one ofthe evacuating crafts which they are being hunted down by a warship. But is that the only thing they have to worry about?

Of course not.

A deadly plague is broken out and is mutating the fleet’s AI with terribly results. This AI should be protecting them but could be the thing that kills them instead of the warship. The other problem is no one knows what is really happening. Kady is super good with the web and data hacking to try and find out what is going on and how to end this all but Ezra is the only one that can help to save the day.

Can they overcome the AI plague or will the warship be their ending.

This is definitely a book to read and fly through the book as quickly as I did.

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