The New Year….a lil too late

Sooo i am now posting on the 1st of February as my first post of the year. I have been so slack but during this holiday season and retail it tends to be pretty full on so cut me some slack. One of my new years resolutions was for me to keep a reading journal for all my reading progress. I am super excited to start doing this, having a place where I can keep all my bookish things together. These heading are books I have read, TBR (to be reads), favourite quotes, reviews, reading challenges and readathons and book purchases each month. This is my idea so far but this may change when i step it all up.

I have started reading the Illuminae Files from Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff which I have now finished and how half way through Gemina which is the second book in the trilogy. The format of the book is so different from any other book I have read. These formats include interviews, IMS, security camera, web chats, intercom, voices from particular people, maps. The way it is set out is really nice and sucks you in from the start. Without having chapter endings it is so hard to put down.

Illuminae is about a girl called Kady who breaks up with her boyfriend, Ezra at the worst time possible, when the planet is invaded. They are both having to fight their way onto one ofthe evacuating crafts which they are being hunted down by a warship. But is that the only thing they have to worry about?

Of course not.

A deadly plague is broken out and is mutating the fleet’s AI with terribly results. This AI should be protecting them but could be the thing that kills them instead of the warship. The other problem is no one knows what is really happening. Kady is super good with the web and data hacking to try and find out what is going on and how to end this all but Ezra is the only one that can help to save the day.

Can they overcome the AI plague or will the warship be their ending.

This is definitely a book to read and fly through the book as quickly as I did.

Bucket list for 2020

I have slowly been working my way through my books. I have finished reading the next book in the throne of glass series (Heir of Fire), took me a bit longer than normal as I found it a bit dry in some parts but when it got to the good bits i flew through it.

I don’t exactly like huge books in a long series. I tend to get bored and it seems like it can be a chore to be able to get through it in a timely manner to be able to remember everything.

I recently seen a post on Ashley B’s wordpress page showing a bucket list to keep on track with reading books. Here is a copy of it.

“And so I created a giant list of of challenges that I would like to achieve in this new year.

      • Read the alphabet. Choose an author whose last name starts with a letter from the alphabet. From A to Z. If there are any letters that I do not have, skip and continue to the next letter. For every letter skipped, I must read a book of my choice to fill in at the end. Total of 26 books.
      • A book by my favorite author
      • a book by my least favorite author
      • an audio book
      • a kindle book
      • a paperback
      • a hardcover
      • romance book
      • horror book
      • YA book
      • Fantasy book
      • a book to start a series
      • a book that will finish a series
      • a book I purchased solely on the cover
      • a book that has been on my shelf for more than 5 years
      • a book that I have been putting off reading
      • a book recommended to me by a YouTuber
      • a book I got from Thriftbooks
      • a book I got from Amazon
      • a book I got from Booksamillion
      • a book with food on the cover
      • a book with an animal on the cover
      • a book with yellow on the cover
      • a book over 500 pages
      • a book under 200 pages
      • clear one shelf on any bookcase I own of “TBR books” (total number of books varies)
      • a book that was on a TBR pile and I never read it (go back through my blogs to choose any book I added to a monthly TBR but never got to)
      • a book that I think will reflect my current mood
      • First book on my book shelf that I haven’t read
      • last book on my book shelf that I haven’t read
      • a book I know will have plenty of toe curling smut
      • Instagram Poll book (choose two books for an Instagram poll, most votes wins)
      • a book that I’ve posted on Instagram and haven’t read”


You could use one book for multiple challenges or make it more challenging by using one book per challenge. I will definitely attempt this for my 2020 year of book reading.

I have managed get track down the next few books of Saga by Brian K Vaughan which I cant wait to get through this series.

I also picked up Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco which was an excellent whodunit book. I cant wait to get to the next two in the trilogy. I found it was well written book that easy to read but wasn’t dumbed down. Always kept me thinking who it was and how everything took place. I hope I can find a few more series that can be similar to this one.

Let me know what you think about this Bucket List Challenge and what you thought of any books I have recently read

Finished another book

Soooo I finished another book. Yes it was a graphic novel so it still counts. I actually got to read this one quite quickly. Was in two sittings which was good to get back in the mood of reading. The book was the 2nd one in the series and was Username: Regenerated. This was a good continuation on from the first book UsernameL Evie. Being able to see the story unfold in a graphic format was good as it was made easy to visualise what is going on. With Evie going between the world that her dad made for her to escape the real world was something I wish we could do in this current day. From dealing with people at work like its a high school to dealing with customers that dont care about anyone but themselves and feel they can play the “i want to speak to a manager card” just to get what they want even though they dont deserve it. The speak to retail staff like shit. No one should be treated that way. For that escape from reality would give people a chance to do what they feel like doing. Leave that up to the imagination. Imagination doesn’t seem to be a thing that is used very often now with technology taking over. Everyone is relying on technology and if the world was to lose access to all forms then the world would go into chaos. When children starting their first year of schooling and they require an ipad to be brought into school for classes when they havent learnt to write first is a little crazy in my books.


I definitely like this format as something different as i cant seem to get into autobiographies, non fiction or anything else really other than fantasy and contemporary. However i really want to try and make my book genres more broad to be able to give reviews of more variety.

Checking in

Hi everyone. Just quickly checking in as I haven’t managed to read anything for awhile now. Its 19 days until I get married so everything is being finalised at the moment but hopefully I can get back into my reading.

Cassandra Clare books

Hiya. Just was looking at the few most recent books from Cassandra Clare’s book series about the shadow hunters. Trying to work out what was to read them. Do i read them in order of release, in order on a timeline or sub series by sub series?

There has been so many books released in this series and just keeps branching out further and further.

I was a bit disappointment when i read the City of Bones books and then watched the movie. I was, like most people, was not happy with it. There was a lot of key points that needed to be included but was not in order to make other movies if made make sense. I was then hesitate when they released the tv series “Shadowhunters”. I did give it a chance and it was just putting the books to shame and could not bring myself to continue watching it.

I feel like I might read the books via the timeline that events happened. So the order I will be reading the series shortly in will be:

Bane Chronicles 1 – What really happened in Peru

Bane Chronicles 2 – The Runaway Queen

Bane Chronicles 3 – Vampires, scones, and Edmund Herondale

Infernal Devices 1 – Clockwork Angel

Infernal Devices 2 – Clockwork Prince

Infernal Devices 3 – Clockwork Princess

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 3 – The White Chapel Fiend

Takes from Shadowhunter Academy 4 – Nothing but Shadows

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Cast long Shadows

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Every Exquisite Thing

Bane Chronicles 4 – The Midnight Heir

The Last Hour 1 – Chain of Gold

Bane Chronicles 5 – Rise of the Hotel Dumort

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Learn about Loss

Ghost of the Shadow Market – A Deeper Love

Bane Chronicles 6 – Saving Raphael Santiago

Bane Chronicles 7 – Fall of the Hotel Dumort

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 5 – The Evil we Love

Bane Chronicles 9 – The Last Stand of the New York Institute

Ghost of the Shadow Market – The Wicked Ones

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Son of the Dawn

Mortal Instruments 1 – City of Bones

Bane Chronicles 10 – The Course of True Love

Bane Chronicles 8 – What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who has Everything

Mortal Instruments 2 – City of Ashes

Mortal Instruments 3 – City of Glass

The Eldest Curses 1 – Red Scrolls of Magic

Mortal Instruments 4 – City of Fallen Angels

Mortal Instruments 5 – City of Lost Souls

Bane Chronicles 11 – Voicemail of Magnus Bane

Mortal Instruments 6 – City of Heavenly Fire

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 1 – Welcome to Shadow Hunter Academy

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 2 – Lost Herondale

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 3 – The White Chapel Fiend ***

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 4 – Nothing but Shadows ***

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 5 – The Evil we Love ***

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 6 – Pale Kings and Princes

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 7 – Bitter of Tongue

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 8 – The Fiery Trial

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 9 – Born to Endless Night

Tales from Shadowhunter Academy 10 – Angels Twice Descending

Ghost of the Shadow Market – The Land I Lost

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Through Blood, Through Fire

Dark Artifices 1 – Lady Midnight

Dark Artifices 2 – Lord of Shadows

Dark Artifices 3 – Queen of Air and Darkness

Ghost of the Shadow Market – The Lost World

Ghost of the Shadow Market – Forever Fallen


And this is the current list of books that are released so far. I have seen there are other books in the making as we speak. The last hour series has only just started so it will be interesting where this sub series takes us. The book will be released in 2020 which will be just around the corner and be here before we know it.

I havent been reading much but really need to get back on track and finish reading the Throne of Glass series. I am wondering if I am having trouble with this series as it is so long and the books are quite thick compared to what I am use to reading. I dont want to push myself too much as it will put me in a reading slump and I will go back to my ways of not posting on here which is definitely not what i want now I am in a bit of a routine

Ill leave it at that and hope to have a good update for you soon

Missing in Action

Hi everyone. sorry for not being on here for awhile. Its been pretty hectic in my life at the moment. I have managed to get my hands on a few books during this time. I have been able to get into a few graphic novels which has been nice quick reads but also something a bit different to the fantasy or contemporary books i have been reading.

I did read another book in the Saga series and have been loving it so much. I cant wait to get some more funds in order to get the rest of the series. The writing is great the pictures are even better. I can manage to knock these books out so quickly. Just 1 more chapter…just 1 more chapter… this always keeps happening and don’t look at the clock and it is some ridiculous time in the night.

I managed to get my hands on “Username” which is another graphic novel and there was some mixed reviews which I do listen to but i like to make my own opinion on the book and give it a shot. I really enjoyed it and i think i have found my liking for graphic novels in this sub genre. It had such a good moral to the story with the main character and her father.

I have also heard many good things about “the prince and the dressmaker” which I thought i had better get onto this one while i am having such a good run with graphic novels. This is another one that I loved the meaning behind the story. It makes you think about what is the “normal” and that things aren’t always as they are and that is ok. Now adays everything has got to be politically correct and I hate it. From not being able to sing “Ba Ba Black Sheep”, it has to be “Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep”.

I will try and be a bit more consistent with my updates when life decides to calm down a bit. It is getting closer and closer to my wedding which is on the 13th September and organising everything for that. I will have some updates once everything is more under control.


Love for Books as a Child

I have always had a love for books, even from a young age.

I always use to see my mum reading books and as a child we had to have home readers. I loved being able to go to the book corner with my mum in the classroom and choose what book to take home with me to read. Always love being able to borrow a book and be able to read it and then give it back and take out a new one.

At primary school I also had quiet reading after lunch time to be able to refocus on school work after running around during break times. This I got excited about because i got to go to a different realm and escape reality. It was always fantasy books or paranormal books.

My mum use to go to the local library to be able to look through family history records and there wasnt many children there when we was so it was like we had the whole library to ourselves. I use to go to the counter to take out my books and i had to work out which books i wanted to take and which i had to leave behind as i had too many.

I remember the time when we had recently brought home our new puppy at the time and we left a book in our tent that was set up in the backyard and the puppy tore up a book that we hired out. I was devastated and used my own pocket money to pay back the fine for the damaged book.

I got excited when I had my first job as I use to spend my money at the local book store picking up new books (i still have these books today!) , I moved out of home and realised i couldnt spend all my money on books as things like bills and rent needs to be paid. I have been using audiobooks and ebooks to help me read and have access to a cheaper option than a physical book. I will then choose if I want to have a physical book if I love the story enough.

When I have been having a bad day at work with drama happening I will read my book and escape to a different universe, whether it be fantasy, anime, or contemporary. If its contemporary it will show me that if a book she showing someone is having a rough day that its not just me.

I love being able to talk to different people about what I love to read and what i have read recently. Feel free to leave me a comment or message on any of my posts or on goodreads i would love to increase my book community.

Reading Update

Hi guys. Just touching in as I have been so slack. Making these blogs are harder than in looks with being consistent. Trying to balance full time work, study online and planning a wedding. I completely understand how much effort it is to be able to think up new content and have it also be worthwhile reading and entertaining enough.

Trying to remember where I left off last time with the last post. I have received my manga books which was Saga Volume 1,2 and 3 and absolutely flew through the first 2 volumes which was insane for me as books that are 400 pages can take me forever as my friends say however I have become alot better with how quick I can read books and still make sense of the story, not just reading quickly for the sake of it and to get through books faster (whats the point if I dont understand what is happening.

Saga is super easy to read and bounces between different parts of the universe with different species. It all makes sense and flows very well so you still know what is happening on all ends of the story. The pictures say a thousand words and help with picturing the story playing out.

I have started reading A Darker Shade of Magic which holy shit I have read so quick. In only a few days I have read 140 pages which is amazing for me. The chapters are so small and keeps playing in my mind ‘just 1 more chapter’ which then changes to at least 3 more chapters. This is another book that bounces well between different types of Londons that Kell can travel between. He gets himself in a bit of trouble and has to try and get himself out of it without being a casualty himself.

This book keeps you turning pages and I feel like I will finish this book in no time. Without even finishing the book let alone the series I think you will find that i will thoroughly enjoy them.
I am trying to plan a few more blog posts out but am finding it difficult at times as I can read so slow or not be able to pick up my book due to everything else I have on my plate at the moment.

Sorry again

Saga – Brian K. Vaughan

I have just finished reading the graphic novel (or comic) in not sure which it is actually classed as. I think this terminology can be messed up from time to time with what books that include pictures are graphic novels or comic.

I really wanted to try a different genre of books to broaden my options of books. I got this book recommendation from ‘Little Book Owl’ from her youtube channel. I love the idea of this book and when she mentioned it was a quick read I thought this would be a good book to read after working so hard to get through a book look like Crown of Midnight. It was a good way to keep me motivated with reading as I can get in a reading slump which I have found people have got in quite recently and has been a struggle for people to get out of.

This book contains 6 chapters and was a good length. I love how with very little words it can explain a story and not feel like you are missing out on any information.

I read the first chapter online and ended up by the end of the night ordering the first 3 volumes which has the multiple chapters.

The struggle with two different species in love with each other that are on the run from the bad guys that will do whatever it takes to capture them and their new born child.

Please look forward to my next posts down the track of the next volumes being discussed

Books I want to read

Hi guys been awhile since i posted. I have found quite a few different books that I have decided to read. Been reading a preview of Saga by Brian Vaughan which i thoroughly enjoyed. Didnt think i would do very well reading a graphic novel but it surprised me with how quick and easy it is to read. I want to get the rest of the series which is 54 volumes that are available in groups in 3 or 4 books which is pretty good.

I have picked up The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi which i have found there to be mixed reviews. Some find it hard to get into and understand the book and put the book down and didnt plan to pick it back up or others absolutely love it and cant put it down.

On the Come Up is the next book i have been hanging out to read. I also havent read Children of Book and Bone however it has been sitting on my bookshelf for awhile now. I love the idea of On the Come Up with the setting and the blurb on the back of the book. I just cant wait to get my hands on it and be able to enjoy the book and author like everyone else.

I got the first 2 books in the Witchlands series (Truthwitch and Windwitch) by Susan Dennard. These books really intrigue me when the elemental base of the book. I have read the elemental series by Brigid Kremmerer which tell us about a group of boys that have control of a different element and the different perspectives of each person per book. I love these kinds of books have give us part of a story of from different people.

I am hanging out for With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo which comes out on May 5th 2019 which i think i will thoroughly enjoy. I have always loved reading books about food and always watch cooking shows when im not reading. This book is about deciding whether she will look after her daughter or chase her dream for going to culinary school.

I am going to start trying to post a lot more frequently. Looking to do this twice a week and update you on my books that i am readying or books that i have found that ill be looking forward to getting my hands on it and start reading.

Please leave a comment down below to start up a conversation about the books you are looking forward to reading this year and books you are currently reading.

Happy Sunday and long weekend for people in Victoria, Australia

Look forward to talking to you soon